Systematic literature reviews originated in biomedical science. They are methods to systematically identify, select and critically appraise evidence. They form the foundation of the process reported here which has investigated whether there is any evidence in the literature showing that biomimicry might be a generalizable principle that could assist designers to improve the thermal performance of buildings.
In its defining papers, biomimetic design is argued to be an applied science that derives inspiration from the natural world and opens avenues for technological/sustainable design and innovation. It suggests that the study of nature can reveal more sustainable solutions in terms of efficient processes, functions, systems and materials.
For example, the thermal adaptation of natural organisms to extreme conditions takes place through behavioural, morphological and physiological mechanisms. However, the literature review has revealed that there is no publication outlining a systematised procedure to attribute thermal issues to corresponding natural adaptation strategies applied by specific organisms.

Biomimetic design concepts often seem to be written about with very specific examples which seem more to be about the metaphorical use of one‐off examples of nature‐inspired design than about a general approach to the mining of biological information systems for design inspiration.
Back to the Future: The Next 50 Years, (51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA)), ©2017, Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), pp. 635–644,