Heating with Wolves, Cooling with Cacti Book released
Heating with Wolves, Cooling with Cacti Book released

Heating with Wolves, Cooling with Cacti Book released

“Heating with Wolves, Cooling with Cacti” Book has arrived!

Heating with Wolves, Cooling with Cacti

Thermo-bio-architectural Framework (ThBA)

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This book describes the detailed process behind the development of a comprehensive thermo-bio-architectural framework (the ThBA). This framework systematically connects the thermal performance requirements of a building to relevant solutions found in the natural world. This is the first time that architecture has been connected to biology in this manner. The book provides an in-depth understanding of thermoregulatory strategies in animals and plants and links these to equivalent solutions in architectural design. The inclusion of this fundamental knowledge, along with the systematic process of accessing it, should open up new avenues for the generation of energy efficient and sustainable buildings.